early stage (8)
Early stage tech investor, product person, migas enthusiast, twitter dot com nostalgist
Uncovering early stage startups at PreSeed Now, working on Geekout, helping the tech world communicate better with Big Revolution. always doing something.
early stage investor, side project builder, people connector
Taiwanese American founder & investor in a number of things at the early stage. I spend a lot of time lately on web3 x entertainment via IP3. I also nerd out on geopolitics.
Software designer turned investor Facebook, Messenger, Dropbox Figma, Vercel, Framer, Vanta, Pulley, Synthesia, Universe, etc Early stage capitalism. Wonder junkie.
Early stage investor in developer tools and platforms. Ex Twitter, Twitch, Google, Slack, Microsoft. Love food, travel and tech. Author at O'Reilly http://amazon.com/author/amirshevat
Currently working on alivingprotocol.substack.com - how to work towards a human-friendly future while living in the age of AI. early stage, open to feedback!! psych and econ background, into user psychology, behavioural science and AI access
[ Product Manager, LGBTQ Advocate, Co-founder of pinkcoconuts.com, Caribbean Lead at Open for Business, Co-Chair of Early Stage board at StartOut (All pronouns welcomed) [